How to Install Ntopng on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy

Get the simply explained steps to install Ntopng on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish to monitor the network data traffic with graphs. 

Ntopng is an open-source tool and successor of the popular network monitoring software Ntop. It is a high-speed web-based traffic analysis and flow collection software. The software monitors the data traffic in the network and provides statistical evaluations. Traffic can be output with the Ntopng sorted according to criteria such as IP address, port, L7 protocol, and throughput. In addition, the active hosts and traffic can be viewed in real-time and long-term reports can be generated.

Ntopng is available in Community, Professional, and Enterprise versions for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and supports x64 and ARM systems. The community version is freeware and is available as source code on GitHub.

Steps to install Ntopng on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

The steps given here can be used on both Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop or Server systems, however, make sure you have a user with sudo access.

1. Update the system

First of all update your system to get the latest available updates, along with that also install the few standard required packages.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install software-properties-common


2. Enable Ubuntu Universe Repository

Universe repository is one of Ubuntu’s standard repo that offers the software packages maintained by its community opposite to the ‘main’ repository maintained by Ubuntu’s parent company Canonical.

sudo add-apt-repository universe

Press the Enter key.


3. Install NTopng for Ubuntu 22.04

We don’t need to add any additional repository to install the NTopng on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. It is already available through the default system repository of this Linux. We just need to use the APT package manager and the installation command, here is that.

sudo apt install ntopng

Install NTopng for Ubuntu 22.04


4. Enable and start Ntopng service

Next, start and enable the service of Ntopng so that it can get started automatically with the system startup.

sudo systemctl enable --now ntopng

To check whether it is running without any error use command:

sudo systemctl status ntopng --no-pager -l

Enable and start Ntopng service


5. Access Web Interface

The default port used by the ntopng to access the web interface is 3000. If you are using a GUI Ubuntu desktop then open your local system browser and type:

Whereas those who are on the command line server and want to access the ntopng web interface using some other system on the network, then need to open the port 3000 in the firewall.

sudo ufw allow 3000

After that use the system-ip-address along with the port number:


Note: Replace server-ip-address with the actual address of your system.

Log in to get the Dashboard by using the default username – admin and password – admin.

Login Ntopng using default username and password

Before getting the ntopng dashboard, the system will ask you to change the default password, so that only you can log in.

Change default password


6. ntopng Dashboard on Ubuntu 22.04

Finally, here is the Dashboard with a live feed of your data consumption graph. Also, you can add or filter hosts; sort network traffic according to many criteria including IP address; produce HTML5/AJAX network traffic statistics; Monitor and report live throughput, network and application latencies and much more…

ntopng install on ubuntu 22.04 Jammy


7. How to update or upgrade

As we have used the default system repository to install ntopng, hence whenever there is a new version available for it via the repo, just run the system update and upgrade command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade


8. Uninstall or remove ntopng

Well, due to any reason, if you don’t want the ntopng network monitor anymore on your system. Then the removal of it is not a difficult task. Just run the given command and you are done.

sudo apt autoremove --purge ntopng


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