How to install WordPress on Lighttpd web server- Ubuntu 22.04/20.04

Lighttpd is a popular web server known for its fast speed and lightweight. Just like Apache2, it is also straightforward to install and operate with PHP to run various web applications and content management systems such as WordPress.

Here today, we will show the process of installing WordPress on Lighttpd along with MySQL and PHP. Thus, go through the below steps to get started.

Steps to install and setup WordPress on Lighttpd webserver

It doesn’t matter if are you on a local server or cloud hosting, the process will be the same for both. Here we are using Ubuntu 20.04, however, one can perform it on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server and other similar operating systems such as Linux Mint, MX Linux, and Debian.

Run system update command

Let the system-installed packages achieve their latest state by running the update and upgrade commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Install Lighttpd for WordPress and other web apps

As we are using Ubuntu Linux here, thus we don’t need to add any third-party repository for the installation of the Lighttpd web server. Everything is there on the official repo of this Linux, just run the below command:

sudo apt install lighttpd

Enable and check Lighttpd status

To make sure that the web server automatically gets started with system boot, every time, we need to enable it. Thus, run the below command:

sudo systemctl enable lighttpd

Check the status:

sudo systemctl status lighttpd

Now, open the system browser or on any PC available in your network and type the server Ip address where you have installed the Lighttpd: http://ip-address

Install PHP

The below command not only installs the PHP but also the extensions we would need while using WordPress. However, while installing the same, apache2 will automatically get installed, thus we ignore that.

sudo apt-get install php php-cgi php-cli php-fpm php-curl php-gd php-mysql php-mbstring zip unzip apache2-

Enable FastCGI and FastCGI-PHP modules

Now, everything is done, just one more thing before we confirm that our PHP is working fine with the Lighttpd web server enabling the FastCGI extensions.

sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi fastcgi-php

Reload service to make the changes into effect

sudo service lighttpd force-reload

Download and install MySQL

If  you already have the Database MySQL or MariaDB then you can skip this step otherwise install it using the below command:

sudo apt install mysql-server

By Default on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Mysql version 8 will be available to install.

Secure MySQL Installation

To make sure our database server is secure and wouldn’t get compromised easily, run the MySQL secure command. This will remove the demo users & databases, disable remote root login, and let you set up a password for MySQL root user.

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Create a Database for WordPress

Once you are done with securing your MySQL, run the following commands to create a database that we will use with our WordPress instance:

sudo mysql

Create a Database that we use to store data of our WordPress CMS-based website running on Lighttpd. Here in the below command light_word is our database name. You can change it with whatever you want.

create database `light_word` character set = 'utf8';

Now, create a user to use with the above-created Database

create user 'demoh2s'@'localhost' identified by 'password';

The demoh2s is the user name in the above command created on our system to access the database. Change the ‘password‘ with the password, you want to assign to your MySQL database user.

Finally, give all permissions to the user to read, write, modify, and delete data in the database. Thus, for that run:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `light_word`.* to `demoh2s`@localhost;

Exit MySQL command line:


Download WordPress

Now, we need to procure the open-source WordPress files to set up this CMS on Lighttpd.

cd /tmp

Create a folder in the webroot directory of Lighttpd

sudo mkdir /var/www/html/h2s

Note: You can change h2s in the above syntax with the website name for which you install WordPress.

Extract WordPress files and then move them to the above-created folder:

sudo unzip /tmp/
sudo mv /tmp/wordpress/* /var/www/html/h2s

Now, we have a directory inside the webroot with the name h2s and all the files we need to use Wordpres inside it.

Also, give your web user all access to the created folder:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/h2s

Setup WordPress on Lighttpd

Finally, again go to your browser and type serer IP-address with the directory name where you have extracted the WordPress file. If we go through the above steps, then the directory name in our case is h2s. Thus, the will be like this: http://server-ip-address/h2s

Here is the screenshot to have an idea:

Add database details to Wordrpess
MySQL Database connection min
Wordpress installation on Lighttpd

Set up Virtual Host on Lighttpd

Now, in case you are installing it on a hosting server or cloud and want to use a domain or subdomain with Lighttpd, then we have to create a virtual host configuration file for them.  So, let’s say we want to use for the above-created WordPress instance.

Note: Replace with your domain name.

Then create a configuration file for that

sudo nano /etc/lighttpd/

Add the following lines.

$HTTP["host"] =~ "example\.com" {
server.document-root = "/var/www/html/h2s"
accesslog.filename = "/var/www/html/h2s/logs/access.log">

In the above lines, replace the example with your domain name and .com with the TLD you have such as .com, .in, .org, etc. After that for /var/www/html/h2s– type the folder path where you have WordPress files. If we are going through our tutorial the h2s is the folder where we have extracted our files in the webroot.

Now, save it.

In the same way, we can create a subdomain configuration file. Once you have created all this, it is time to add them to the main Lighttpd configuration file to tell it that “here are the files for the specific domain name and you have to serve them only”.

Open the Lighttpd configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

Add the public IP address of your web server. is just, for example, replace it with yours.

server.bind = ""

Bind lighttpd server to public ip address

Also, include the configuration file of your domain:

include ""

Add virtual host to lighttpd

After the changes, save the file and exit. Ctrl+X, press Y, and then hit the Enter key.

Restart Lighttpd:

sudo systemctl restart lighttpd

In this, way we can use multiple domains fetching files hosted on a server delivers through the Lighttpd Webserver. You can know more about the Lighttpd virtual host configuration from this web page

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