What is the difference between yum and DNF?

difference between yum and DNF

If you’re a Linux user, you might have come across the terms “yum” and “DNF” when it comes to enterprise package management. While both tools serve the same purpose, there are some key differences between them that are worth exploring. What do you mean by …

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What is the difference between Homebrew and NPM?

difference between homebrew and NPM

Homebrew and NPM are two popular package managers which are essentially used to install various packages for modern development environments. Although they appear similar, they have distinct characteristics. Where Homebrew is specially designed for macOS which is also available for Linux; NPM is the package …

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Why do we use Homebrew on Ubuntu Linux?

Why do we use Homebrew on Ubuntu Linux

Are you an Ubuntu user looking for a more efficient and fast package management solution apart from the default APT? If so, installing a Homebrew setup on your Linux machine is the way to go. Homebrew is a powerful package manager for Ubuntu and other …

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Snap on Linux- Installation, update and delete commands

Snaps universal package manager for Linux

What is a snap? Snap has been introduced as a package management method by Canonical developers, the people behind the popular Ubuntu Linux systems.  We can install and use the SNAP on various types of Linux distros such as Redhat, Ubuntu, CentOS, Elementary, Debian, Linux …

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How to install HomeBrew on Linux

Script to download and install brew on Ubuntu

One of the popular package managers of macOS is Brew that we can also use on Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu, easily. Whereas Brew Cask extends Homebrew with support for quick installation of applications.  Steps to Install Brew on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux Well, on …

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How to install RPM packages on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Converrt and install RPM software on Ubuntu 20 compressed

RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) packages are meant to compile and install on RHEL and its based operating systems such as CentOS, Fedora, and more… However,  we can also install RPM packages on Ubuntu by converting them to DEB packages. And here in this article, …

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Top 3 Command Line Ubuntu Package Manager tools

Top Command Line Ubuntu Package Manager

Ubuntu Package Managers on the command line help us to install & delete packages, add or remove repositories, update installed applications, search packages, and more…  What is a Package manager? A Package manager is a tool that automates the management process ( installing, updating, configuring, …

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