How to Remove Date and Time from Post & Comments in WordPress

If the content material in your web site isn’t time-oriented, you could wish to remove date and time from WordPress post and comments since this data isn’t related.

If you have not got a chance to update your blog on the regular basis or you think dates of your post are necessary to the viewers. Also out of date post left a bad impression on your viewers, so it is necessary to hide your post or comment date and time from your WordPress blog. Eradicating dates from WordPress posts is feasible and really straightforward. Right here, I’ll present you two easy methods to take away the dates from posts and comments on WordPress blogs.

Also, read:

Remove the from WordPress posts and author metadata using a Plugin

The best method to remove the date and author meta is with the WP Author, Date, and Meta Remover plugin.

But this plugin will also remove author meta as well along date and time. No setting just install the plugin and its done.

If you just want to remove the post date after some time –  For example after a month your post date and time automatically remove. Or remove the time and date category wise then for doing such thing:

Here are some plugins to remove date from post and articles

WP Old Post Date Remover

WP Old Post Date Remover remove date and time

Do you want to remove date and time after some span of time, I mean when it becomes old then this plugin is very useful. This plugin will remove the date from your old post and leave the date and time on newer posts ad it is. Also, it will not remove the date on SERPs or archive pages which are a good thing.

WP Date Remover

WP Date Remover remove date and time

Removing date and time from a specific category of WordPress is very simple and easy with this plugin.  It is very straight forward plugin just installs and activate and select all categories to remove date and time from every post or just select only those you wish to remove.

Remove Date and time from posts by using code:

If the plugins not worked to remove the date and time then use the coding method. Simply paste the following code in the CSS file of the theme.

.entry-meta {
display: none;


Remove date and time from comments in WordPress

If you are Genesis framework for your website then add this code in the child theme CSS file to remove date and time from the comments.

For opening the theme CSS file Go to Appearance ->Editor-> Select the CSS file of the theme from which you want to remove the date and time stamp.

* Removes The Date and Time On Every Comment Site Wide
.comment-meta {
display: none;

If you are not using a Genesis or using a WordPress default theme for example Twenty thirteen then use the following code.

.comment-metadata {
display: none;

If you are using some other theme than WordPress default theme then please use this code to hide the comment date and time.

Note all theses codes you have to use in theme CSS.

.comments time {
display: none;

You can try all the above three methods one by one to remove date and time from the comment, sometimes it may differ from theme to theme.

3 thoughts on “How to Remove Date and Time from Post & Comments in WordPress”

  1. Is there no plugin to use for the removal of date and time on blog post comments?

  2. Hi, I am very grateful for this text. Used it and dates disappeared from posts and from comments as well. It took more than a month that they vanish in SERPs as well. This is about Metro theme, so it worked as you described it.

    Here is what the problem is. I have rating in posts so stars used to appear in SERPs, now they vanished together with the dates. Is there a way to keep them? Thank you in advance.

    • Hello Jovo,

      Can you please let us know, are you using any plugin to display star ratings in SERPs…


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