Differences between ChatGPT and Google Bard. Understanding which one is the best for your needs

Content creation is at new heights today, thanks to generative AI applications that can write articles, create paintings, compose music, and a lot more are yet to come. Generative AI that can write for us is most popular today, as no matter what our profession is, we all need to write something or the other every day at our work or at home. Maybe because of this simple thing, everybody knows about ChatGPT, or some also know Google’s Bard, no matter whether they are deep into technology. 

While ChatGPT took the world by storm, before Google’s Bard made its entry into this AI arena, Bard by Google is also powerful for its unique abilities and has several advantages over ChatGPT. So, today I will talk about some of the differences between ChatGPT and Google Bard, by emphasizing mostly on the practical aspect. That way you will have a clear idea of which one is going to be the best for you, based on your usage patterns.

So, without any further delay, let’s get started with the differences between ChatGPT and Google Bard.

Language model used

The basic difference between the two chatbots is obviously the language model used. While that doesn’t bother most users, as long as they are getting the information they need from the bots, the interpretation of the user inputs is different deep down at the core. ChatGPT uses the GPT or Generative Pretrained Transformer, and Google Bard uses Google’s own Lambda language model that supports additional third-party APIs to build chatbots and natural language dialogues.

ChatGPT Interface screenshot:

ChatGPT Interface screenshot

Google Bard Interface Screenshot:

Google Bard Interface Screenshot

Source of information

Talking about the source of information, ChatGPT is trained using text sets that include Common Crawl, books, and articles available openly on the web, Wikipedia, and other generic sources from the open internet. However, the information is limited to September 2021 for the free version of ChatGPT, paid subscribers of ChatGPT can search using Bing which fetches real-time information in the chats.

Bard by Google is trained by data using Infiniset, which is a data set built from Common Crawl, Wikipedia, dialogues, and documents available on the web. Additionally, Google Bard can search for answers in real time from sources on the internet, just like we humans do. That way, Bard offers the latest answers to what people ask for, making it great for researchers and those who are looking for summaries of the latest information available.

Accuracy of the facts

As I discussed in the last point, the information in ChatGPT is limited to the world events till September 2021, and hence any updates aftermath is not known to ChatGPT. So, if you are looking for some information that has been updated after 2021, the information will be incomplete or can sometimes be inaccurate or incorrect based on the changes. This can be problematic if you are doing some research, or looking for legal or other sorts of information that often gets updated. Furthermore, the source of information is not displayed in ChatGPT. It summarizes the information available based on your input, just like somebody is explaining a concept.

Google Bard on the other hand searches for the information you searched for, on Google, and hence it is summarized to help you get the latest information about the subject. Bard also displays the source of information so that you can contact the website owner if the information is wrong, or it needs to be updated. If you are into research or are into some project, where updated information is necessary, along with the source of the information, Bard is the better in this aspect.

Productivity and creative abilities

When it comes to productivity, ChatGPT can, not just write codes or create some new content based on text, but it is also good at summarizing texts from links or other places. However, as ChatGPT does not have access to the internet, you can’t paste the link, and ask ChatGPT to summarize it for you. But when it comes to summarizing, or understanding context as a whole, ChatGPT does it better.

Bard by Google, on the other hand, can fetch the same results, and if you provide it with some link, it can summarize the information. But in my research, it is not good for understanding contexts in specific scenarios, as it ignores the small details in the inputs provided by the user, making the answers less contextual if the inputs are a little complicated. 

App support and other abilities

ChatGPT already has an official Android app, and you can use it to use ChatGPT on your smartphone. There are third-party tools and extensions too that can use ChatGPT and integrate it into your searches or into Chrome or Chromium-based browsers. However, responses from ChatGPT can’t be exported to other places with one click. You need to copy the responses and hence use them for other purposes. ChatGPT also comes with a built-in plagiarism detector, which means you will always get unique responses on the platform.

Google Bard might not have an Android app, however, talking about third-party integration, there are enough options. You can access Bard by Google on your smartphone browser, and hence export the answers to Google Docs, Sheets, or other places, or copy the responses with just a single click. Bard integrates easily with Google services, making it easier to deal with the responses effortlessly in the Google ecosystem.

If you want to get the most out of AI, you shouldn’t rely on just one. Compare the responses on both chatbots and implement the one that best suits your needs. In my research, if you want to get some information, Bard does it better as it has access to the internet. However, if you are looking for a creative solution, ChatGPT is better in that, as such responses do not require an internet connection. Each of the tools I discussed here has its own pros and cons, and you need to use them by having an idea of which one is going to be better for which needs.

So, that’s all about the differences between ChatGPT and Google Bard. Do you have any further questions? Feel free to comment on the same below.

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