ADATA Technology recently launched EMIX H30 gaming headset with SOLOX F30 amplifier in India. The EMIX H30 has metal design and for that, the ADATA used the aluminum with red mesh on the ear cups. To give comfort level the company has used oversized ear cushions.
Inside the ear cups, 53mm drivers are placed which according to the company efficient to provide deep bass and wide sonic range.
ADATA has designed the EMIX H30 keep gamers in mind those are into pro gaming. And that’s why they have given SOLOX F30 amplifier that connects to the PC via USB. It basically enhances the audio quality which needs by the gamers, especially. It creates spatially virtual 7.1 channel surround sound. This gives multi-directional audio experience.
Furthermore, it has four preset equalizer modes depending on the game type or media the user can switch. Because of the mic facility, the gamers can perform the voice chat too while gaming or using it for movie or music.
Both the EMIX H30 and SOLOX F30 work in plug n play with all gaming platforms. From PCs to consoles and mobile devices, it is as simple as connect and game.
SOLOX F30 also has multiple audio outs that can output to headphones and speakers. To Manage the EMIX H30 and SOLOC F30 the company also supplied the proprietary XPG Xear software along with them.
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