Boult Audio has introduced their latest offering ‘Flex’ in the wireless on the ear category, priced at Rs.1549. Boult Audio Flex Bluetooth wireless on-ear stereo headphones come with passive noise cancellation and offer a host of integrated functionality built into the ear cup with it’s on driver audio controls like volume control, play pause button along with a built-in condenser MIC.
The Flex like its name is super flexible and can be stowed away in your backpack safely. The company mentioned that the drivers of the headphones are capable of reproducing superior 3D extra bass acoustics. In the heart of the Flex has Qualcomm CSR8635 Bluetooth.
The Flex is compatible with all operating systems, Bluetooth, iOS, Android, Blackberry and others. The Flex headphone could stand-by for 2 days on a single charge and 8-10 hours of playback time, claimed by the Boult.
- Ear-cups and head band covered with sweat proof protein leather.
- Ultra-strong aux cable, braided for extra protection and durability.
- 3D acoustic drivers.
- In-house controls buttons to accept calls and play, pause or skip music tracks.
- CSR 8635 Chipset
- 8 hours playback
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