We don’t need to go through the browser and websites to install XAMPP on Windows 10. Just use the Windows package manager called Winget. It already comes by default in the latest Win 10 latest version and with its one command, we can install the XAMPP apache server on the system. Let’s see how to do that.
Whats is Winget?
Winget is a Windows Package Manager that automates the installation, update, and removal of applications from the command line, helping developers, administrators, and users to download and install applications in a more powerful and flexible way.
Install XAMPP using Winget on Windows 10
Microsoft has released WinGet 1.0 and might not be on your Windows 10 system yet, however it will be soon integrated with Windows 10 21H2. Nevertheless, if you are a Microsoft Insider and using the latest version of Win 10 then you would already have Winget on your system. Whereas, those who still don’t have this feature can install it from the App bundle available on GitHub. Or see our article- Winget: how to use Windows 10 Package Manager to install various apps or 5 Best Windows package manager to use via command line
1. Open your command prompt
In the Windows 10 Search box, type CMD and when its icon appears in the result click it to run the command prompt as administrator.
2. Check Winget is available or not
Let’s first confirm whether Winget is on our system or not. For that simply type- winget
and you get the result showing how to use Wignet syntax. However, if the result is showing “the Command not found” then use the Github link given at the beginning of the steps to install Winget.
3. Install XAMPP using Winget on Windows 10
Now, let’s run the single command that will easily install the Xampp apache local web server on our Windows 10.
winget install xampp
4. Run XAMPP
Go to the Search box and type Xampp. In this result, you will find the software. Click to run the same.
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