4 Best Apps for Anger Management Issues for Android

It is true that technology has brought a drastic change in our lives and is continually doing so at an exponential rate. It has influenced each and everything in this world whether directly or indirectly and this fact is not at all hidden from us. And one such thing is the topic of today’s article, anger management issue, it is one of the most important and crucial things for our mental as well as physical well being. So, in this very article, I have included the best apps available in the Google Play store for anger management issues.  Therefore, without any further debate, let us quickly start the article.

Anger Management Apps for Android

Do you suffer from anger management issues, just go through the apps mentioned below:

Anger Control 

This 6 MB size game is developed by Soft skills. If you suffer from this serious issue, then I would request you to once go through this app, though it is not so popular and downloaded yet, but still, it is designed in such a way that if you go through it properly, then you will find the impact it has on you and your surroundings and after that, you will definitely try to change yourself. It will make you understand the anger control concept in a very beautiful manner, and will also help you to find the way you can start it.

This app also has many reasons that will only insist you to download it and give it a try. It is completely offline and you do not need to come online once you have downloaded it.

Anger Control 

It starts from a very basic level and then goes on to a very advanced level for you to become a better person. It is also very easy to learn and one of the most astonishing features about it is that it is absolutely free and carries no hidden or in-app purchases.

Get the App

Angrr- Anger Management Simplified

Vivid Mind has made this beautiful 9 MB size game for us. This beautiful app will help you to control your anger management issues in a very simple way. This app is divided into a number of sections, and now let me discuss them with you in brief. The first one is an anger test, which is a short test that will help you to identify your anger problems and become very familiar with them. The second one is also very important as this section will showcase the physical and mental symptoms of your anger. Now, anger and its main causes are highlighted with many practical examples, these examples will coincide with your real-life situation, the good thing is that you can either read them or listen to them. The next thing which welcomes you open arms is the forgiveness section, which explains to you the power and importance of forgiving someone. This app uses the PEAce method, meaning pause, evaluate, and act.

Angrr – Anger management simplified

After all these, the next section is the Pause section, which comprises four exercises to help you to calm down. Therefore, this app is worth downloading by all the people who suffer from this bad problem and let me shock you all again, one of the most astonishing features of this app is that it is absolutely free and comes with no in-app purchases.

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AIMS for Anger Management 

This 66 MB size game is offered to you by the United States Department of veteran affairs. Though it was designed for the military service veterans, it can be used by anyone and most of the people are also using it. It teaches you everything about anger management, its route causes, and the impact that it has on you and your family or other people near you.

As it is designed for the military people, you can assume from the fact that the military people are the ones who perhaps live the most disciplined and structured life and they are also mentally a lot more stable than all of us.

AIMS for Anger Management

So, this app will be very helpful for you to find and understand the root causes of your problem and then it will also showcase you the heinous impacts of this serious issue and finally this app will highlight you the ways by which you can slowly and steadily overcome your problem and live the life which you have always dreamt of. Well, again one of the most outstanding things about this beautiful app is that it is absolutely free and has zero in-app purchases.

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Anger Management Quotes

Sumit Kataria has made this 11 MB size app for you. It provides all the necessary education regarding anger management and its causes as well as symptoms. It is usually designed keeping in mind the teens as they mostly suffer from this serious disease but everyone can use it. It teaches you the way with which you can deal with anger and frustrations. It also teaches you the way you should deal with another angry person and not lose your cool. It will showcase you the different techniques and exercises for anger issues and all of these will guide you to become a happy and perfect guy which you have always wanted to become.

Anger Management Quotes

Furthermore, it teaches you how to control your emotions, and always teaches you to remain positive in each and every situation. Once again, one of the most impressive things about this app is that it is completely free and has no in-app purchases.

Get the App

Thus, these are the four best apps currently available in our favourite store. It is also true that anger management today is both a very serious as well as very common problem, as almost every second to the third person suffers from this disease today. Therefore, I hope after going through this article you will straightaway head to the Google Play store to become a healthy, wealthy, and wise person.