How much Coffee you should drink and who should not?

Drinking coffee is good or not for health is always been a topic of debate, hundreds of internet search trigger by peoples to know the truth.

There have been many studies and reports online to justify a “good relationship” between the proper drinking of coffee to may reduce the incidence of certain cancers and some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but so far, there is no conclusive evidence to prove how much to drink.

From a practical point of view, the theory of relying on a certain kind of food (drinks) to improve human health is not reliable, and the human body has “tolerance” and “acceptance” for food.

To put it another way, if you want to better protect your health, you need to achieve a combination of diet, exercise, sleep, and mentality.

How much Coffee you should drink and who should not

How to drink coffee safely?

Choose pure coffee:

Compared to the various coffees on the market, it is recommended to buy pure coffee powder directly or to buy coffee beans. The less added the substance, the lower the risk to health.

Choosing coffee, it is recommended to drink less “instant coffee”. Instant coffee contains more sugar and “fat”.  Eating too much sugar is a threat to the body. It is said that the non-dairy creamer contains more hydrogenated vegetable oil (trans fatty acid), while trans fatty acid is a major cause of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and it is fundamentally rejected.

 “Baked” will be safer

When buying coffee, it is recommended to choose “cooked coffee”, “baked” and “grinding” coffee, etc. due to the processing and the external environment will increase the content of acrylamide, which is likely to increase health risks.

Drink a limited amount

Although coffee has certain advantages, it is easy to put a burden on the body when drinking too much. A large amount of coffee can easily cause problems such as vigorous heartbeat. For healthy adults, the daily intake of caffeine is not recommended to exceed 250 mg and no more than 3 cups of coffee per day.

Don’t be too hot

Coffee, like other drinks, can increase the incidence of esophageal-related diseases, and long-term consumption of drinks above 65 °C will increase the risk of diseases such as esophageal cancer.

Don’t add too much sugar

Excessive sugar can increase the risk of many problems such as obesity, dental caries, diabetes, etc.  It is recommended that the daily intake of sugar should not exceed 50 grams, preferably within 25 grams. Therefore, the coffee is very pure nature, people, can’t stand the taste, thus one can add some pure milk (not creamer).

Reasonable selection time

Some people like to drink coffee on an empty stomach in the morning. This method will cause the caffeine substance to stimulate gastric acid secretion and increase the acidity in the stomach. For the stomach that is empty in the morning, excessive gastric acid can easily damage the gastric mucosa, resulting in stomach pain and heartburn and other issues.

Others like to drink coffee at night to refresh the body, but drinking coffee at night will undoubtedly increase metabolism, while also losing a large part of B vitamins, but also affect our normal metabolism.

Therefore, if you drink coffee, you can choose “after breakfast” to reduce the damage to your body. Also, please don’t drink coffee late at night. The rest of the time, as long as the stomach is not empty, the body allows, you can drink coffee in moderation.

Who is not recommended to drink coffee?

Children and adolescents

For the children, all parts of the body are developing, and at the peak of learning. Excessive intake of caffeine can easily lead to dizziness, sleep disorders, and other issues, which will undoubtedly affect their learning and life.

Therefore, for children and youth, it is best not to drink coffee, and if they have to then it should be in a limited amount and keep one thing in mind that daily intake of caffeine per kilogram of body weight has to less than 2.5 mg.

Pregnant women

Strictly speaking, pregnant women who consume large amounts of caffeine would have problems such as nausea, vomiting, and rapid heartbeat, which will affect the overall condition of pregnant women. For the physical and mental health of pregnant women, try not to eat caffeinated foods… Of course, if you have to drink coffee, drink not more than 2 cups a day.

Patients with gastric ulcer

Most patients with gastric ulcer suffer from gastric mucosal damage due to excessive gastric acid secretion, and caffeine intake will increase the intensity of gastric acid secretion. Therefore, patients with gastric ulcer should be advised to avoid drinking caffeinated drinks.

People are taking medicine

For people who are taking medication, it is advisable not to drink coffee. Coffee interacts with some drugs, some of which enhance the action of the drug, and some of which reduce the effectiveness of the drug. It is recommended to avoid drinking coffee during the medication.

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