How to install bootstrap in Ubuntu using terminal

Bootstrap is a free and open-source project available on Github developed to provide a front-end web framework. It keeps supported and developed by a large community of developers across the world. Bootstrap helps or provide a platform to web developers for creating highly responsive and interactive web applications.

It comprises HTML, CSS and Javascript together; HTML and CSS used to design graphical elements of the app such as buttons, navigation and rest of the interface while Java to make all the interactive elements work along for extension of the web app capabilities. If you are a beginner in web developing along with Linux operating system then these commands will help to install Bootstrap on Ubuntu via command terminal…

Install bootstrap in Ubuntu using terminal

Step 1: Open Terminal

Here we are using the Ubuntu 19.04, but the tutorial’s steps will be the same for other older versions such as Ubuntu 18.10/18.04-16.04-15.04…

To open the terminal either press CTRL+ALT+T buttons altogether or right click on the Ubuntu desktop on blank area anywhere and select the Open Terminal option.

Here are multiple ways to install bootstrap on Ubuntu, choose one which suits your requirements…

Download Bootstrap directly using git to get the compiled CSS and JavaScript

You can directly download the Bootstrap project from their official website using wget command or clone it using git. The downloaded folder of bootstrap will contain all pre-compiled CSS and JavaScript. Just create index.html inside it and start learning the curves of Bootstraps.

Note: JavaScript dependencies like jQuery and Popper.js need to be downloaded & install separately.

sudo apt-get install git
git clone

Method to Install bootstrap with npm

NPM (Node Package Manager) is an open source package manager that is used for Javascript package management. It has an online database of the different package both public and private; this database refers as NPM registry. In Node.js, it comes as the default package manager and uses command line client NPM. And we can use this npm single command to download and install bootstrap packages on Ubuntu.

sudo apt-get install npm
npm install bootstrap

Second method – Install bootstrap with yarn

The yarn is a package manager for the code. It allows you to use and share code with other developers from around the world. The code is shared through packages which contain all the code being shared as well as a package.json file which describes the package.

Install Yarn on Ubuntu 

curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install yarn

Yarn Install bootstrap command

yarn install bootstrap

Ubuntu Bootstrap Install with Composer

Composer is an application-level package manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries.

sudo apt install php7.3-cli

curl -sS | php 

sudo apt-get install composer

composer require twbs/bootstrap

install bootstrap on ubuntu using composer

Install with NuGet:

NuGet is the package manager for .NET and it also has the power to fetch the packages from NuGet Gallery, basically a central package repository for all available packages under Nuget. Know more about Nuget Wiki

Command to install NuGet on Linux Ubuntu

sudo apt install nuget

install nuget on Ubuntu linux

Commands to bootstrap using NuGet

For bootstrap CSS

nuget install bootstrap

For Bootstrap Sass:

nuget install bootstrap.sass

Install bootstrap on Ubuntu using Nuget

Meteor to install bootstrap

Meteor also is known as MeteorJS is a JavaScript-based web framework that is also a free and open source to use and distribute. It is written using Node.js and allow to use of the single written code for multiple platforms. For more infor on Meteor see:  Meteor Wiki

Install Meteor javascript web application framework on Ubuntu

curl | sh

Meteo install Ubuntu

Create Meteor App

To download the bootstrap packages on Meteor first we need to create a project/app for which we want to use the bootstrap. The command for that is meteor create (app name). In our case we have given the app name “h2s”, so it would look like:

meteor create h2s

Now, enter into the created app and download the bootstrap packages:

create app on meteor ubuntu

cd h2s

meteor add twbs:bootstrap

To start the app and check it just type


Command to install bootstrap using Meteor

meteor add twbs:bootstrap

meteor bootstarp install

Install Bootrap with bower

If you already have the npm installed then you can use the bower to get the bootstrap on Ubuntu system. Just use the below commands:

To install Bower using NPM

sudo npm install -g bower

For bootstrap downloading

bower install bootstrap

bower install bootstrap

Other Resources to Read: