All WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts for Comments Screen

The WordPress is a very popular CMS and if your blog too then you might get lots of comments. It is not easy to moderate all comments one by one.  To approve or trash them you can use the WordPress on-screen shortcuts to make the process a bit faster than before. By default, the shortcuts for WordPress comments are not enabled and you have to do it manually.

To enable the shortcuts for WordPress comments follow the below given steps.

See official WordPress for more info: Link

Step 1: Go to Users and select the Your Profile option.

Wordprerss comments shortcut enable

Step 2: Now check box give at the front of option Keyboard Shortcuts and save your profile. This will enable all keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation.

Enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation

Now go to your comment section and use the following available shortcuts are:

J =  Scroll selection down
K = Scroll Selection up)
A = It is used to approve the selected comment
U = Unapproved the selected comment
D = Delete comment
R = Reply comment
Q = Quick edit a comment
Z = Undo deleted comment or Restore it from Trash

To perform these above-given commands in bulk you can press to select all the comments and J key to scroll the comment list down and K to scroll up. Once you have selected all the comments, you can perform the bulk action with help of Shift Key along the comments shortcuts given above.

Shift + A = Approve all checked comments

Shift + D = Delete all checked comments
Shift + U = Unapprove all selected comments
Shift + T = Move all selected comments to trash
Shift + Z = Restore all selected comments from trash


Don’t See:  Remove Date and Time from Post & Comments in WordPress